We have only two females left available from the D litter: Red and Green. Purple went to her new home today. Get one now, they are so sweet, funny, and cute! You don't want to miss any of it.
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Wednesday, May 10, 2023, Gussie delivered 6 healthy and beautiful puppies.
The puppies at 3 weeks

Yellow Puppy

Red Puppy

Purple Puppy

Green Puppy

Blue Puppy

The puppies are shown here at three weeks old. Their eyes are open, they are beginning to play with each other, their appetites are great, and they are very vocal with growls, little woofs, and whines. They sleep a lot too and seem to grow a bit every day.
Red, blue, and orange are the boys.
Yellow, green, and purple are the girls.
Orange Puppy
The puppies at 5 weeks

Red Puppy

Purple Puppy

Blue Puppy

The puppies have been enjoying puppy food now but still try to get some milk from Mom whenever they can. They love being outside but the fresh air knocks them out after about 20 minutes. They are romping and playing a lot and we are becoming acquainted with their personalities.
Every day, it's something new!
Yellow Puppy

Green Puppy

Orange Puppy
The puppies at 6 weeks

Red Puppy

Yellow Puppy

Green Puppy

Blue Puppy

Orange Puppy
The puppies continue to grow and gain skills. It's a real laugh to see them playing, pouncing, and running. They now know the routine for getting from one space to the next but it is still like herding cats. They all saw the vet today and got their first shots. On some of them, the ears are beginning to stand up. They nurse a little whenever mom gets close enough, but have made the transition to other foods. They are gaining size and weight beautifully.

Purple Puppy
The puppies at 7 weeks

Red Puppy

Purple Puppy
Blue Puppy
The puppies have begun to develop their personalities now. They are playing a lot, exploring everything in the yard, sleeping outside at night, and enjoying plenty of food plus some quick snacks from Mom. They are developing their independence. We have begun some light training, and it is very rewarding to see them gladly come up to us when we open the door.
Warning to future owners: The puppies are entering the teething stage. Be sure to provide items you approve of for them to chew on. This phase will last until the adult teeth come in. Get some bitter apple if your pup starts going after furniture, shoes, etc., that you don't want damaged.
Green Puppy

Yellow Puppy
Yellow Puppy
Orange Puppy
Orange Puppy
These puppies are ready to meet their new families!
9 weeks old

Purple, Red, and Blue on left.

Orange, Green, and Yellow on right
All the puppies are doing very well. Their stamina is really growing and they can now navigate the lower portions of our yard--at a run! They are smart, outgoing, and curious, exploring everything. Teething is a big thing now, so we are providing lots of chewie items. They also sleep a lot after the three big meals Brian is making for them each day. They weigh about 20 pounds now.

Orange Puppy
The Puppies at 10 Weeks
We took Blue and Yellow to the airport this week. Their new families are on other isles. We miss them, but are thrilled they have loving forever homes.
Feeding time is a little easier with making food for just 4 pups now. We are working on teaching them about the leash so that they will have good leash manners. Their basic training and socialization continues.
The foursome left play hard, eat fast, and sleep deeply. They keep up with their parents when the big dogs are running in the yard. It is joyful to see them all frolicking on the grass and enjoying each other’s company. I am sure the pups are still learning a lot from Mom and Dad.

Green Puppy

Purple Pupppy

Red Puppy
Red Puppy finds his new family
The Puppies at 11 Weeks
Red and Orange have found their new Homes!
Red went home with a lovely couple from the West Side of Maui. We are thrilled that they've added him to their family, and know he will be well loved. Orange will be going home shortly.
I began working with the remaining pups on "leave it." They are smart, and have been doing great with other basic training. Training and socialization are very important for young pups! It helps build a bond and friendship that will last a lifetime.

Green Puppy

Purple Pupppy

Purple Puppy
The Puppies at 12 Weeks
The pups spend the day exploring the yard, playing in a little swimming pool, chomping on ice cubes in the afternoon, and going to "puppy school". In addition, they are loving, happy, and smart. They are trying to learn about life from chasing birds to interacting with the goat and deer, playing with kids to getting belly rubs and ear scratches.

Green Puppy

Orange Puppy goes to his new family.
Orange Puppy goes to his new family.
Orange Puppy goes to his new family.
The Puppies at 13 Weeks

The three pups survey the yard and the valley below.

Green Puppy
We've been off-line because of the fires on Maui. We're back, okay, and praying for those who have lost so much--family, property, livelihoods. E kūkulu hou kākou.
Orange Puppy goes to his new family.
The Puppies at 13 Weeks
Green Puppy
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Only One Pup
Still Available ...
We've gotten the girls larger collars, they have grown so much. We also felt they needed some permanent names to befit these new collars. To that end, we have been calling Green "Breeze," and Purple "Storm. Storm has just gotten some cones for her ears to help them stand up. The cones will fall out shortly and her ears will stay up like Breeze's. Training continues, and they are going to be wonderful dogs for their future families. They go out into the world - and they like it a lot! Beaches, hiking, travel, adventure!

(formerly Green)
has just found her forever home!